What to see what joy looks like? Three month old sessions | Atlanta baby photography
Hi friends,
I just completed a session for the most adorable three month old baby girl! Guys – I mean, LOOK!
Parents often call me when baby is around six weeks requesting newborn portraits. Unfortunately I have to explain that this is one of the more difficult stages for professional photography. They’ve simply grown out of that sleepy, curly newborn stage and they are awake, aware and limbs are everywhere! They’re just as adorable – don’t get me wrong! But they’re unable to make eye contact or smile on request – and their arms and legs are often extended straight out. This is not a pose you see in my galleries because it’s just not as flattering as some of the other milestones.
My recommendation for this age is always the same – wait for baby’s three month milestone! We will capture beautiful, wide eyed looks with engaging smiles. And most of the accessories and props you love from the newborn sessions can still be used at this stage. Here are some other three month olds:

So if you’re a little late to the game with your baby’s first portraits do not fret! Give me a call today to discuss your session at 678-234-1988.